Category Archives: football

“I’ve been traded to……NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!”

One of the other Dirty Hippies posed the following question yesterday: Here’s the scenario. You’re a pro athlete. One day the coach calls you in and says “son, you’ve been traded to ___________.” What the worst team you can fill in the blank with? Four leagues, and feel free to elaborate on why if you feel [...]
Also posted in Baseball, Basketball, Hockey | 7 Comments

TCU/Boise St. Championship will end hopes for all mid-majors.

The chorus of hate directed at the BCS has often pointed to a particular scenario for leading to the systems downfall: a non-BCS school playing for or actually winning a BCS title. My contention has long been that this is an errant assumption. In reality, nothing would do more to strengthen the clout of the [...]
Posted in football | Tagged , , | 3 Comments

Favre “retirement” clock ticking. And only 3 years too late.

I used to be a big fan of Brett Favre. For me, the turning point came when he held the Packers hostage with the first of his 46 retirement decisions and how he treated his successor, Aaron Rodgers. If Favre was truly a team player and truly cared about the organization, city and [...]
Posted in football | 1 Comment

NFL gets it right on violent hits: better now than after somebody gets killed (literally)

After a disturbing round of ultra-violence during Week 6, the NFL last week announced that “even first-time offenders face suspension for ‘devastating hits’ and ‘head shots.’” Yesterday’s action indicated, in the estimation of several analysts (who appeared to be reading from the same script at times), that the message had been “delivered and received.” Sunday’s [...]
Posted in football | Tagged , , | 4 Comments

If Forced to Choose: Football — or Your Wife or Girlfriend?

If push comes to shove, which would you choose: football -- or your wife or girlfriend?
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9/11 Showdown FSU vs. Oklahoma

I know I’m a week early, but FSU plays lowly Samford tomorrow, so not really much analysis needed for that game.  As you might’ve noticed, I’m an FSU homer.  I grew up in Tallahassee, I graduated from FSU twice, they have more money of mine than any other single source I’m not related to and [...]
Posted in football | 6 Comments

Media Update from Denver Broncos Training Camp

Denver, 11:53am Tim Tebow Tebow Tebow Tebow Tebow Tebow Tebow Tebow Tebow. Earlier in the day, Tebow Tebow Tebow Tebow Tebow Tebow Tebow. Head Coach Josh McDaniel Tebow Tebow Tebow Tebow Tebow Tebow Tebow, Tebow Tebow Tebow Tebow Tebow Tebow Tebow Tebow Tebow; Tebow Tebow Tebow Tebow Tebow.
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Something’s gotta be done.

“Poor poor Chris Henry”, they used to say. “He’s misunderstood. He’s really not like that usually. He was serious about turning his life around.” But after his death, the doubts were back. “Maybe you can’t change” replaced all of the hope that he would get things straight and finally show the consistent [...]
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Tiki Barber: Too Slick by Half

Barber's post-football life, characterized by professional failure, sleaze, and likely onerous alimony and child support payments, hasn't shaped up as he carefully planned. While his football career remains for me perhaps the most rewarding I've ever witnessed, he's just too slick for his own good.
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