Monthly Archives: January 2011

SportSunday: Cutler’s critics are way out of line, but it’s probably his own damned fault

Let’s establish something here and now: I detest Jay Cutler. He’s an entitled, punk-ass little sulk whose attitude makes everyone around him worse. The way he handled his exit from Denver was remarkable in one key respect: he managed to make Josh McDaniel look mature and competent by comparison. As wrong as Coach McSkippy was [...]
Posted in football | 9 Comments

What are we going to watch if there’s no NFL in 2011-12? A possible Plan B…

The second-biggest topic of discussion in American pro football circles these days (right after the Super Bowl) is what’s in store for next season. More specifically, will there be a next season? In case you haven’t been paying attention, the owners are set to lock out the players and the two sides don’t seem terribly close [...]
Posted in football, soccer | 43 Comments

Denver Broncos make ironclad institutional commitment to sucking for 3-5 more years at least

Let me begin by observing that I have been wrong before. I will be wrong again, no doubt. And I may be wrong here. Hopefully I’m wrong here, and I want everybody to hang onto this so that when I’m proven wrong you can mock me mercilessly as we watch the Denver [...]
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