Tag Archives: NFL

Time for some straight talk on the NFL’s top faith-based quarterback

This just in: CBS Sports game analyst Randy Cross believes Tebow haters are bashing him for his outspoken Christian opinions. “People, especially the media, root against him because of what he stands for,” said Cross. The 3-time Super Bowl champ added: “My personal belief is there are people in the media, people in the stands, who are predisposed [...]
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NFL gets it right on violent hits: better now than after somebody gets killed (literally)

After a disturbing round of ultra-violence during Week 6, the NFL last week announced that “even first-time offenders face suspension for ‘devastating hits’ and ‘head shots.’” Yesterday’s action indicated, in the estimation of several analysts (who appeared to be reading from the same script at times), that the message had been “delivered and received.” Sunday’s [...]
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If Forced to Choose: Football — or Your Wife or Girlfriend?

If push comes to shove, which would you choose: football -- or your wife or girlfriend?
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Tiki Barber: Too Slick by Half

Barber's post-football life, characterized by professional failure, sleaze, and likely onerous alimony and child support payments, hasn't shaped up as he carefully planned. While his football career remains for me perhaps the most rewarding I've ever witnessed, he's just too slick for his own good.
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