Category Archives: Basketball

An open letter to LeBron James from America: let’s get back together

Dear LeBron: The WWE, Hollywood, soap operas and the NBA front office have something in common: they all understand that a compelling narrative requires what the pro wrestling biz calls a “heel.” A bad guy. An anti-hero. A villain. A black hat. The only thing different about the NBA is that they won’t admit they’re in [...]
Posted in Basketball | 25 Comments

Gays and professional sports: Charles Barkley stands up for what’s right. Again.

A few days ago, Phoenix Suns president Rick Welts revealed that he is gay. And the whole sporting world exploded yawned. Okay, that’s not precisely true. There has been a bit of comment and analysis. But so far, no controversy. No homophobic ranting, no athletes stepping up to say that Jesus doesn’t approve, none of that. [...]
Posted in Basketball | 19 Comments

Is ref Danny Crawford biased against the Dallas Mavericks? And why isn’t the NBA smart enough to run basic statistical analyses?

The NBA assigned referee Danny Crawford to work tonight’s Dallas Mavericks/Portland Trailblazers game, touching off a series of galloping hissy fits across Greater East Texas/Shreveport metropolitan area. The reason for the unhappiness can be found in this paragraph. See if you can spot it. The Mavs have a 2-16 record in playoff games officiated by Crawford, [...]
Posted in Basketball | 13 Comments

The UConn/Butler trainwreck proves it: we need to be done with one-and-done

Last night’s NCAA Men’s Basketball Championship Game doesn’t get a recap. It gets a post-mortem. I won’t mince words – it was the worst championship game I can recall seeing in my lifetime. Hell, it was one of the worst college basketball games I’ve ever seen, period. That may be because when games get this [...]
Posted in Basketball | 2 Comments

Decisions, MeloDramas and the C-word: the NBA and its WWE problem

The National Basketball Association has a World Wrestling Entertainment problem. Actually, it has several problems, none of which look like they’re going to be easily solved. (And I’m not even talking about the officiating, although I have in the past and no doubt will again in the future). The collective bargaining agreement is up after this [...]
Posted in Basketball | 1 Comment

NBA officiating: get me to a sports book

I’ve probably watched more NBA games this season than ever before, and those of you who have indulged my rantings in the past know I have … issues … with The League. Frankly, I wish they’d bring back Tim Donaghy so we can all stop pretending. [Aherm] Anyway, I am now more convinced than ever that I [...]
Posted in Basketball | 1 Comment

March Madness vs. the BCS: neither is perfect, but all controversies are not created equal

Well, the 68 participants in the NCAA Men’s Basketball Tournament have been announced, and boy are people pissed. The selection committee is defending its choices, the most controversial of which seem to be the inclusion of Alabama-Birmingham and Virginia Commonwealth at the expense of teams like Colorado, Alabama, Virginia Tech. Given the way the Hokies [...]
Posted in Basketball | 4 Comments

Coach K: no NBA HoFers to his credit?

I’m watching the Bulls/Magic game and it got me thinking (because there are two former Blue Devils on the Chicago roster and one more playing for Orlando) about Mike Krzschefvzksky-era Duke players and the NBA. Duke has won a bunch during his tenure and they’ve put a number of players in the pros, but none [...]
Posted in Basketball | 2 Comments

In Denver, the MeloDrama is over; in New York, it’s just beginning…

After months and months of wrangling, speculation, posing, posturing, misdirection and strategery, wheeling and dealing, and fear and loathing, the Carmelo Anthony circus has finally departed the 5280 bound for the Big Apple. Praise Jebus, and may we never have to hear the term “MeloDrama” again. So, who got the better of the deal? We’ll know [...]
Posted in Basketball | 2 Comments

“I’ve been traded to……NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!”

One of the other Dirty Hippies posed the following question yesterday: Here’s the scenario. You’re a pro athlete. One day the coach calls you in and says “son, you’ve been traded to ___________.” What the worst team you can fill in the blank with? Four leagues, and feel free to elaborate on why if you feel [...]
Also posted in Baseball, Hockey, football | 7 Comments