Monthly Archives: June 2011

An open letter to LeBron James from America: let’s get back together

Dear LeBron: The WWE, Hollywood, soap operas and the NBA front office have something in common: they all understand that a compelling narrative requires what the pro wrestling biz calls a “heel.” A bad guy. An anti-hero. A villain. A black hat. The only thing different about the NBA is that they won’t admit they’re in [...]
Posted in Basketball | 25 Comments

Panama 2, USA 1: ANALYSIS – is it time for Bradley to go?

The US soccer team just dropped a 2-1 decision to Panama in the second group stage match of the 2011 Gold Cup. To say the game was frustrating to watch is to understate the case, and with some panache. Despite an appalling first half, the Americans certainly had their chances to draw even and win the [...]
Posted in soccer | 12 Comments

What if we hired a war criminal to “clean up” FIFA? Sepp Blatter has a plan

Every once in awhile a story comes along where it’s impossible to fathom what the fuck somebody could possibly be thinking. Usually it’s something political, but today it’s sports. In case you haven’t been tracking along, FIFA, the governing body of world soccer, has been swamped with corruption allegations of late. It began with the decision [...]
Posted in soccer | 2 Comments